When you think of the profession of court reporters, naturally, you would think of the person recording the verbalizations during a trial in a court of law. You can use court reporters for various situations outside of the courtroom.
Attorneys often use court reporters Providence RI, in deposition hearings. During a deposition, both sides are asking questions of potential case witnesses. A transcript of the witness responses is beneficial for the preparation of the case. Some lawyers would argue that a transcript is necessary to tie down witness testimony. In some jurisdictions, deposition answers can be used to support motions for summary judgment. An official transcript created by a court reporter is necessary to support this type of motion.
Conventions and Meetings
If you are having a convention or meeting with professional speakers, you may wish to have a transcription of the speaker’s remarks. A court reporter can attend to provide you with a detailed report. Court reporters use the latest technology to capture statements made by attendees and can provide electronic copies of the recorded utterances. Most court reporters also offer videographer services to get a visual recording in addition to a written transcription. You can provide replays for key speakers’ remarks with the video.
Live Entertainment Events
A court reporter can be hired to provide services during a live entertainment event, such as close captioning. A professional court reporter will be able to accurately transcribe the event in real-time, so that the close captioning can be accurately displayed. An event captioner can also provide a transcript of the entertainment events that could be useful for future event planning purposes.
The majority of court reporter services are used during trials in the courtroom. However, court reporters are uniquely positioned to offer a range of services in various other settings.