Uterine fibroids are a common occurrence in women of reproductive age. They are benign tumors that grow on the uterus walls and can cause pain, irregular or heavy menstrual periods, pelvic pressure, or discomfort. There is no known cure for uterine fibroids, but treatment options help manage symptoms like pain and bleeding. You must seek medical attention from an expert in Houston, TX, if you think you might have uterine fibroids because they can lead to more severe complications such as infertility or cancer. Find a top-class specialist in uterine fibroids in Houston, TX. Here are the signs that indicate it could be uterine fibroids in your reproductive system.
Periods Over a Week-Long
The biggest symptom of uterine fibroids is an irregular menstrual cycle. Uterine fibroids could change the shape, size, and appearance of your uterus, causing irregular bleeding during menstruation. Heavy periods are another sign that you might be suffering from uterine fibroids. You may also experience pain in your pelvic region during your period, as well as dizziness and fatigue.
Pain In The Pelvic Region
You might feel a sharp pain or discomfort in your lower back or pelvic region. You may also suffer from abdominal pain during sexual intercourse, bowel movements, urinating, menstruation, or during exercise. The pain becomes more severe and causes a dull ache in your lower back, lower abdomen, or groin area. In some cases, uterine fibroids can press on the bladder and cause an urge to urinate more frequently.
Hemorrhaging from Uterus
Uterus Hemorrhaging Uterine fibroids are known to cause heavy bleeding during menstruation. If you’re suffering from uterine fibroids, your menstrual bleeding could be longer or heavier than usual and can be accompanied by pain in the pelvic region.
Weight Gain Uterine
Fibroids are also known to cause bloating due to increased muscular tissue around the uterus walls. Fibroids cause abnormal pressure on surrounding organs and result in weight gain. In some cases, uterine fibroids can also lead to infertility problems.
Inconsistent Swollen Uterus
If you have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, you will generally see a physician for a checkup every six months. You regularly must see your doctor because uterine fibroids can grow up to the size of a grapefruit and cause severe pain. Fibroids usually shrink after menopause but can grow during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if you’re taking birth control medication.
Frequent Feeling of Pelvic Pressure
Feeling of Pelvic Pressure One of the most common signs of uterine fibroids is a feeling of pelvic pressure. You may feel a persistent pulling or aching sensation in your lower back, lower abdomen, inner thigh area, or groin. Pulling sensations from the pelvic region to the hip and down the leg is also a sign that you could be suffering from a uterine fibroid.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you must seek medical attention because they can become increasingly painful and more severe over time. Uterine fibroids might not disappear independently, so it is vital to determine what treatment options are available.
Uterine fibroids are a common occurrence in women of reproductive age. They are benign tumors that grow on the uterus walls and can cause pain, irregular or heavy menstrual periods, pelvic pressure, or discomfort. There is no known cure for uterine fibroids, but treatment options help manage symptoms like pain and bleeding. You must seek medical attention if you think you might have uterine fibroids because they can lead to more severe complications such as infertility or cancer.