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Teeth Staining and Discoloration in Maryville, TN: The Common Culprits

Everyone wants to have a bright, healthy smile. But factors such as the food and beverages you consume and lifestyle habits can make it hard to achieve this smile. If you want to keep your smile bright, avoid consuming substances that can stain your teeth. This is especially important if you are considering undergoing teeth whitening. The first step to take is to know the causes of teeth discoloration. If you want to take advantage of Maryville, TN dental services like in-office teeth whitening, avoid the following:

Consuming Teeth-Staining Beverages

Coffee is a common cause of teeth staining or discoloration. If you consume coffee regularly and do not rinse your mouth after drinking it, the dark pigments in the product can stick to your teeth’s enamel. As a result, your teeth can darken eventually. Other teeth-staining beverages you want to avoid include red wine and black tea. 

Consuming Staining Foods

Foods that can stain your finger may stain your teeth. They include berries, sticky lollies, beetroot, and dishes that have richly-colored sauces. Curry sauces, soy sauce, and tomato-based sauces are common culprits. 

Consuming Acidic Beverages

Just because white wines do not have a dark color does not mean they are a safe alternative to red wines. Their acidity level can soften the enamel of your teeth and make them more prone to discoloration from other beverages and foods. Carbonated soft drinks and even sports drinks can lead to tooth stains due to the significant amount of acid pigments, and sugar they contain. 

Holding Beverages and Foods in Your Mouth

When foods or beverages come in contact with your teeth for a long time, they can leave behind stains. Also, this allows acidic ingredients to act on your teeth’s enamel. Do not keep foods or beverages in your mouth for a long time before you swallow them. Think about using a straw when drinking certain beverages to limit contact of your front teeth with them. 


Tobacco, whether smoked or chewed, can cause dental stains. Apart from stains, smoking is a risk factor for a lot of oral health issues like gum disease. Quitting smoking allows your body to recover. 

Failure to Consume Enough Water

To keep your body hydrated, you must consume lots of water every day. Also, drinking water can rinse away the staining substances on your teeth. If you stay in a fluoridated area, consuming tap water that has fluoride can help keep your teeth strong.  

About Dee Marsh

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