As a boss, it is good to know the taste of all your employees; but is it possible? Sometimes, collective stuff works better than individual gifting. Food items, office supplies and beverages can make the best gift basket. Companies like Zero Waste gift basket for office staff take extra efforts in customizing a gift basket for office staff.
There are few things you should know as a boss before customizing a gift basket for your employees:
- Collective Choice Of Employees
It is not possible for any boss to know the personal choice of an individual employee due to a larger number. It is thus advisable to think about some collective office stuff that your staff can put to use. This collection must match the overall expectation of the staff and suit the situation. Your basket contents can be such that it indirectly relates to an individual choice.
- The Surprise Element
You can always think of a better alternative to surprise your office staff than merely throwing a party or an outing. There can be a surprise content in your customized gift basket. Assorted tea bags, sweets, mouse pads, coupons, desk accessories or mugs can be used as surprise elements. This gesture makes the staff believe that you really know them well and care for them.
- Avoid Repetition
Most of the companies have a tendency to gift their staff on a half-yearly or yearly basis. It is recommended to make a note of all the gifts given to the staff in the previous years to avoid any repetition. Repeating the same gift basket does not add value to your gesture and may allow your staff to think otherwise.
- Be Sensitive
Your staff may have half of the people who eat all sorts of food and the other half who fall into the vegan category. There may be certain religious beliefs attached to every product. Be sensitive enough to not hurt anyone’s sentiments or belief. Gifting works the best when kept away from sensitive beliefs.
- Be Thoughtful
Gift companies such as Zero Waste gift basket for office staff are very thoughtful not only about the people they are gifting but also the environment they live in. These companies ensure they use recyclable materials and products so the environment is not adversely affected. They take it as their responsibility to save mankind and nature.